Supporting Aten’s Temples
To keep their government and economy running, the pharaohs of ancient Egypt relied on allies, servants and friends. Akhenaten (Nefer-kheperu-Re) was no exception. In this episode, we meet two of the King’s most prominent servants, the men who kept the great temples of Aten fed, supplied and running smoothly. From their tombs and houses in the city, the high officials Meryre and Panehesy provide a compelling glimpse at the daily operations of the state.
Aidan Dodson, Amarna Sunrise, 2012.
Barry Kemp, City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti: Amarna and Its People, 2012.
Donald B. Redford, Akhenaten: The Heretic King, 1984.
Norman de Garis Davies, The Rock Tombs of el-Amarna, Vol. I: The Tomb of Meryre, 1903.
Norman de Garis Davies, The Rock Tombs of el-Amarna, Vol. II: The Tombs of Panehsy and Meryre II, 1905.
Norman de Garis Davies, The Rock Tombs of el-Amarna, Vol. V: Smaller Tombs and Boundary Stela, 1908.
William J. Murnane, Texts from the Amarna Period in Egypt, 1995.
William J. Murnane and Cornel van Siclen III, The Boundary Stelae of Akhenaten, 1993.