January 16th, 2021.
The Ministry of Antiquities has announced a major discovery in the necropolis of Saqqara. A funerary temple, dating to the Old Kingdom (Dynasty 6) has come to light. Also, the Egyptian excavators have opened more than fifty burial shafts of the New Kingdom (Dynasties 18 and 19). The discovery is massive and promises to add a lot to our understanding of life, burial, and religion in the ancient necropolis.
Correction: In the description, I describe the New Kingdom as lasting 1650-1150 BCE. This should be amended to 1550-1150 BCE.
Music by Bettina Joy de Guzman
Photos by Ahram.org and Ministry of Antiquities
Photos by Ahram.org and Ministry of Antiquities
Photos by Ahram.org and Ministry of Antiquities
Photos by Ahram.org and Ministry of Antiquities
Photos by Ahram.org and Ministry of Antiquities
Photos by Ahram.org and Ministry of Antiquities
Photos by Ahram.org and Ministry of Antiquities
Photos by Ahram.org and Ministry of Antiquities

Kevin Cochran
Andrea Smith
Neil Dingman
TJ Kahn
Terri Jones
Ellen Behrens
Linda Yancey
Hereditary Nobles
Karin W.
James Waters
Stephen King
Jan Dodoo
Kate Potter
Julia Rose
Peter Culicover
Katherine Lewis
Logan Hennlich
Pernille Engberg
Meicost Ettal
Conner Rice
Sarah Musi
Elna Nilsson
Christopher Ward
Skip Howard
Randy Eide
Eric J Holmes
Sandi & Stuart
Simon Oliphant
Chrissi Ross
Steven Rasp
- Ministry of Antiquities Press Release, January 16th, 2021.
- Ahram Online: http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/398931.aspx
- Ahram Online: Facebook
- News https://see.news/hawass-announces-new-archaeological-discovery-in-saqarra/
- Egypt Today https://www.egypttoday.com/Article/4/96492/Egypt%E2%80%99s-Hawass-announces-discovery-of-funerary-temple-of-Queen-Nearit
- Daily News Egypt: https://dailynewsegypt.com/2021/01/16/funerary-temple-of-queen-nearit-wife-of-pharaoh-teti-discovered/
- King Teti summaries
- Sistrum of King Teti: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/543897
- Book of the Dead, Spell 17:
cool 😎