Restoration, Recovery, Wreckage.
Around 2520 BCE, King Men-kau-ra ruled Egypt. In his time, royal artists produced high quality sculpture and art; and builders constructed another magnificent pyramid at Giza. But while Menkaura has the smallest of the Giza monuments, his legacy has proved the most positive. His afterlife, however, has been a difficult journey, with notable successes and losses…
Menkaure’s Pyramid at Giza:
- Digital Giza, ‘Menkaure Pyramid’,
- H. Vyse, Operations Carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837: With an Account of a Voyage into Upper Egypt and an Appendix, 2 (1840). Available online at The University of Heidelberg.
- Additional images and plans at Wikimedia
- Photos of Menkaure’s pyramid by Aidan McRae Thomson on Flickr.
- Support The History of Egypt Podcast and access exclusive perks at
- Music and interludes by Luke Chaos.
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The pyramid of Menkaure viewed from northeast (Adobe Stock).
Clearance work on the north face of Menkaure’s pyramid (Vyse 1840).
Isometric plan of Menkaure’s pyramid (R.F.Morgan, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons).
Antechamber of Menkaure’s pyramid with sunk passage in floor (Vyse 1840).
Sarcophagus of Menkaure, artist’s impression based on Vyse’s sketches (Prisse d’Avennes).
Coffin of Menkaure with artist’s copy (British Museum & Vyse 1840).
Restoration text on north face of Menkaure pyramid (Photo © Heidi Kontkanen).
Dyad statue of Menkaure and Queen Kha-merer-nebty (Boston MFA).

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- M. Baud, Famille royale et pouvoir sous l’Ancien Empire égyptien (1999).
- P. Boughton, ‘The Lost Sarcophagus’, Egyptology News Network,
- P. Boughton, ‘Who Owns Menkaure’s Sarcophagus?’, Nile Magazine (2016), 60—66.
- Digital Giza, ‘Menkaure Pyramid’,
- D. Gibbins, ‘PHARAOH: The Sarcophagus of Menkaure and the Wreck of the Beatrice’,
- R. Gundacker, ‘Die Inschrift an der Nordseite der Mykerinospyramide’, Sokar 19 (2009), 18—25.
- J. Leclant, ‘Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan 1967—1968,’ Orientalia 38 (1969), 240—307.
- M. Lehner and Z. A. Hawass, Giza and the Pyramids (2017).
- É. Prisse d’Avennes, Histoire de l’art égyptien: d’après les monuments; depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu’à la domination romaine, 2 vols (1879).
- U. C. Ringuer, ‘The Story of the Lost Sarcophage’, Archaeology Mysteries,
- A. M. D. Roveri, I sarcofagi egizi dalle origini alla fine dell’antico regno (1969).
- J. Thompson, Wonderful Things, A History of Egyptology, I: From Antiquity to 1881 (2015).
- M. Verner, The Pyramids: The Archaeology and History of Egypt’s Iconic Monuments (Updated edn, 2020).
- H. Vyse, Operations Carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837: With an Account of a Voyage into Upper Egypt and an Appendix, 2 (1840).