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  1. Angela

    This page comes after the Mini-ep: Inauguration day and before the Mini-ep: The Egyptian New Year. They are backwards to how the podcasts were released.

  2. Angela

    Thank You! My friend and I were just discussing this topic yesterday and I couldn’t tell him when or why the term came about. This episode came at a fortuitous time!

  3. Matt Barbetti

    This was such a cool episode! I wonder though, you know how before this point you referred to the rulers as Kings? I wonder what the actual Egyptian word was? Is it directly translated as the word King? Thanks for your show love it!

    • DominicPerry

      The primary term is “nesut bity” which we translate as “King of Southern and Northern Egypt.” Alternative terms can include “heqa” which is more general meaning “ruler” and can apply to local leaders as well.

      • Matt Barbetti

        Thank you that’s so awesome Dominic!

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