The Egyptian Religious Year (Part 1/12)
The Egyptian New Year began in the month called “Tekh.” It heralded a month of important rituals: festivals of the Nile Flood (Hapi); festivals to honour the blessed dead (Wagy-and-Thoth); and the beginning of a multi-month re-enactment of the legends of the god Osiris.
tomb of Mai-her-peri, 18th Dynasty
Biblioteca Digital
Wilkinson, 2003
- Katherine Eaton, “Monthly Lunar Festivals in the Mortuary Realm,” 2011 (JSTOR).
- William C. Hayes, The Sceptre of Egypt, 1959.
- Antony Leahy, “The Osiris ‘Bed’ Reconsidered,” 1977 (JSTOR).
- William Kelly Simpson (editor), The Literature of Ancient Egypt, 2003.
- Anthony Spalinger, “The Limitations of Formal Ancient Egyptian Religion,” 1998 (JSTOR).
- Richard H. Wilkinson, The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, 2003.
I had to skip 3 other mini-eps to reach this page. Not too annoying, but a bit much, especially since it’s not listed in the Mini-Episodes link either.
Which ones?