The Religious Year (6 + 7 / 12): Great and Small Heat

The sixth and seventh months of the year were called Great and Small Heat, respectively. They were a time of mainly elite ceremonies: obscure theological performances that took place in the great temples. Among the festivities were celebrations of the gods Anubis and a deified pharaoh, Amunhotep I


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Richard Wilkinson, The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, 2003.

Anthony Spalinger, “Ancient Egyptian Calendars,” Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy, 2015.

G.S. Hawkins, “Astronomical Alignments in Britan, Egypt and Peru,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 1974.

J. Norman Lockyer, “The Dawn of Astronomy,” Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1894.

Show 6 Comments


  1. Angela

    Did something happen to the pictures?

    • DominicPerry

      Some episodes do not have pictures.

      • Angela

        The podcast kept saying “images at the website.”

        • DominicPerry

          For this episode? Strange. I’ll check my script and see what I can do. When the website migrated to a new host many old images vanished. I am replacing them, but it takes time

  2. Angela

    Understandable. Thanks for letting me know!

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