A Guided Tour.

Today, we visit two monuments belonging to Meritaten, eldest daughter of pharaoh. The Maru Aten (south) and North Palace (north) provide glimpses at the luxurious life of royalty in Akhet-Aten / Amarna. In a special tour, we visit two monuments for a princess of ancient Egypt.

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Badawy, Alexander. ‘Maru-Aten: Pleasure Resort or Temple?’ The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 42 (1956): 58–64.

Kemp, Barry J. ‘Tell El-Amarna, Spring 2011’. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 97 (2011): 1–9.

———. The City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti: Amarna and Its People. First paperback edition. London: Thames & Hudson, 2014. Read online at archive.org

Newton, F.G. “Excavations at El-’Amarnah, 1923-24.” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 10 (1924): 289–98. Read for free at JSTOR.org

Amarna Project. ‘North Palace’, https://www.amarnaproject.com/pages/amarna_the_place/north_palace/index.shtml.

Peet, T. E., and C. Leonard Woolley. The City of Akhenaten, Volume I. London: Egypt Exploration Society, 1923.

Show 4 Comments


  1. Atef Gomaa

    Great professional work

  2. Eric J Holmes

    Thanks for the map and models! Great episode!

    • DominicPerry

      Thanks for listening!

  3. One of the best podcasts. I enjoy every chapter on my way to work and back, and many times I listen to another chapter when I get home. Thank you

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