Amunhotep III (Part 14): The End.
It is time to wrap up the great king’s reign. From 1363-1362 BCE, Neb-ma’at-Re Amunhotep III suffered a decline in health, achieved a notable diplomatic victory, and celebrated one last Sed-Festival. In this episode, we explore the last years of the legendary pharaoh: his achievements, his pathology (preserved in his mummy) and the magnificent tomb constructed for his burial.
Select Bibliography
Dieter Arnold, The Monuments of Egypt, 2009.
Lawrence M. Berman (ed.), The Art of Amenhotep III: Art Historical Analysis, 1987.
Norman G. Bisset (et al.), “Was Opium Known in 18th Dynasty Ancient Egypt? An Examination of Materials from the Tomb of the Chief Royal Architect Kha” Ägypten und Levante / Egypt and the Levant (1996): 199-201.
Aidan Dodson, Amarna Sunrise, 2014.
Aidan Dodson and Dyan Hilton, The Complete Royal Families of ancient Egypt, 2010.
The Epigraphic Survey, The Tomb of Kheruef: Theban Tomb 192, 1980 (Digital Edition).
Arielle P. Kozloff, Amenhotep III: Egypt’s Radiant Pharaoh, 2012.
Arielle P. Kozloff and Betsy M. Bryan, Egypt’s Dazzling Sun: Amenhotep III and His World, 1992.
Marc van de Mieroop, A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000 – 323 BC, 2016.
William L. Moran, The Amarna Letters, 1992.
David O’Connor and Eric Cline (eds.) Amenhotep III: Perspectives on His Reign, 2001.
Nicholas Reeves and Richard H. Wilkinson, The Complete Valley of the Kings, 2008.
G.E. Smith, The Royal Mummies, 1912 (Chicago Digital Edition).
Richard H. Wilkinson, The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, 2003.
The Theban Mapping Project: KV22 (Amunhotep III)
Osiris.Net: WV22 (Amunhotep III)
Website of The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative