Interlude: The Youth of Thutmose III

1495 – 1475 BCE. Thutmose III spent his youth in training: training for rituals and prayers, for governance and learning, and for military arts and warfare. He learned the arts of politics and government in the harem, which we explore for the first time. He also spent a great deal of time with the army, which had changed a lot since the days of the Middle Kingdom…

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  • Anthony Spalinger, War in Ancient Egypt, 2005.
  • Richard Gabriel, Thutmose III: A Military Biography, 2009.
  • Eric Cline (editor), Thutmose III: A New Biography, 2006.
  • Juan Carlos Moreno García (editor), Ancient Egyptian Administration, 2013.
  • Kara Cooney, The Woman Who Would Be King, 2014.
  • Betsy M. Bryan (editor), Creativity and Innovation in the Reign of Hatshepsut, 2014.
Show 3 Comments


  1. Ivonna Nowicka

    Ha ha, I enjoyed the humour of this one very much : ).

  2. Sarah Scott

    Absolute genius use of 300 in this episode

  3. Christine Pizan

    Interesting evolution of tone in these last couple of episodes, you seem a lot more playful with the topics.

    Regarding the relationship of Hatshepsut and Thutmose, I find it implausible that there was any resentment between them, giving control of the army to someone you feared was factionally aligned against you would be absurd, it appears both were happy to control their seperate spheres of government as co-rulers.

    Ultimately then as we come to the end of Hatshepsuts tenure I haven’t really seen a hint of any opposition to her, while she went further than her predecessors in formal assumption of kingship, this doesn’t seem to have been greatly controversial.

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