The End of the Second Intermediate Period
The Hysksos are defeated and on the run. King Ahmose I and his warriors pursue them into Palestine, for a final confrontation at Sharuhen. Meanwhile, Queen Ahhotep leads the Theban army against a rebellion in the southern lands. Finally, the Thebans must rally against an environmental disaster, as the gods unleash a sudden tempest on the land.
Probably very similar to the warriors accompanying Ahmose I.
source: Global Egyptian Museum
source: Global Egyptian Museum
source: Global Egyptian Museum
Ostrich feathers would have been inserted into the rim to create a cooling breeze (source: Global Egyptian Museum).
source: Global Egyptian Museum
Died at six years old, buried west of Thebes in a tomb later used for his grandmother Ah-hotep (Wikipedia).
- Robert K. Ritner and Nadine Moeller. “The Ahmose ‘Tempest’ Stela, Thera and Comparative Chronology,” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 2014. Read for Free at
- W. Vivian Davies, “The Tomb of Ahmose Son-of-Ibana at Elkab, Documenting the Family and Other Observations,” Elkab and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Luc Limme, 2009. Read for Free at
- Aidan Dodson and Dyan Hilton. The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt, 2010.
- Nicolas Grimal. A History of Ancient Egypt, 1994.
- Anthony J. Spalinger. War in Ancient Egypt, 2005.
- – The Autobiography of Ahmose Ibana.
- – The Autobiography of Ahmose Pen-Nekhbet.
Including a video with surprising context on golden flies that may call some assumptions into question:
Many thanks!