Senuseret I (Part IV): Southern Gold.
Senuseret I is in need of funding. With so many monuments under construction, he needs resources, and fast.
The king sends out his warriors, to obtain gold from many different sources…
Senuseret I
- Overview of reign and records at
- Overview of records at UCL.
- Detailed summary of reign at Wikipedia.
- Misc monuments, objects, and art at Wikimedia.
Names / Titles
- Horus: Ankhmesut
- Two Ladies: Ankhmesut
- Golden Horus: Ankhmesut
- Throne name/Prenomen: Kheper-ka-Re
- Personal name/Nomen: Senusret
- Neferu III
- Pyramid complex at al-Lisht, Wikimedia.
- The White Chapel at Karnak, photos by Kairoinfo4u, Flickr.
- Obelisk in the Temple of Ra at Iunu (Heliopolis), Wikimedia.
The Twelfth Dynasty
- Summary at Wikipedia.
- Summary at
- List of Kings (Dynasties 11 and 12) at UCL.
- History: The Twelfth Dynasty’s rise to power in Lisa K. Sabbahy, Kingship, Power, and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt, 2020. Cambridge University Press.
- History: Late Middle Kingdom at UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology.
- Family tree at Wikipedia, based on Dodson and Hilton, Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt, 2004.
Source: Wikipedia
Source: Brown University
- Wolfram Grajetzki, The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, 2006.
- Henriette Hafsas-Talkos, “Between Kush and Egypt: the C-Group People of Lower Nubia,” in Between the Cataracts: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference for Nubian Studies, 2006.
- Tourist blog in Sudan.
Its interesting to me that Amenemhat I and Senusret both sort to associate themselves with Sneferu over Khufu, Perhaps even in this period Khufu’s reputation had developed in the direction of the Herodotus story?
Or is there some other reason