Montuhotep III: Peace, Wealth and Trade.
The reign of Sankh-ka-Re Montuhotep III is a peaceful one. In his eighth year on the throne, the king decides to dispatch a great expedition to the legendary region of Punt. Led by the Steward and Chief of the Six Justice Courts Henenu, the expedition will trade for gum arabic, incense, myrrh, and return home victorious.
Montuhotep III
- Records and monuments at UCL.
- Detailed summary of reign at Wikipedia.
- Summary of 11th Dynasty at
Royal Names/Titles
- Horus: Seankhtawyef
- Nebty: Seankhtawyef
- Golden Horus: Hetep
- Throne name/Prenomen: Sankh-ka-Re
- Personal name/Nomen: Montu-hotep
Family Tree
- Family tree at Wikimedia.
- See also Dodson and Hilton, Complete Royal Families, 2004.
- Imi (?) uncertain.
- Tomb: Unknown (Thebes west?)
- Temple of Montu at Medamud
- Temple on Thoth Hill, Thebes.
Arnold, 1991
Frey, 1890
Boston University
Louvre Museum, Paris, via Wikipedia
- Pierre Tallet, “Ayn Sukhna and Wadi al-Jarf: Two Newly Discovered Pharaonic Harbours on the Suez Gulf,” British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan, 2012.
- Dorothea Arnold, “Amenemhat I and the Early Twelfth Dynasty at Thebes,” Metropolitan Museum of Art Journal, 1991.
- Wolfram Grajetzki, The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, 2006.
- Nicolas Grimal, A History of Egypt, 1994.
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I’ve heard Punt associated with Eritrea during the Roman period. Is this a later corruption of the Egyptian understanding of the region, or is Eritrea considered part of Ethiopia for geographic purposes