Montuhotep II (Part III): The Nubian War.
With his rule secured, and Egypt united under his authority, Montuhotep II is once again ready for war. Egyptian troops advance into Nubia, Canaan, and the eastern deserts, pushing their king’s agenda abroad.
These wars bring plunder and captives back to Egypt, stimulating the economy after the First Intermediate Period droughts.
Montuhotep II
- Records and associated individuals at edu.
- Records and monuments at UCL.
- Detailed summary of reign at Wikipedia.
- Summary of 11th Dynasty at
Royal Names/Titles
- Horus: Djematawy
- Two Ladies: Djematawy
- Golden Horus: Qaishuti
- Throne name/prenomen: Neb-hepet-re
- Personal name / nomen: Montu-hotep
Family Tree
- Family tree at Wikimedia.
- See also Dodson and Hilton, Complete Royal Families, 2004.
- The Memorial Temple at Deir el-Bahari, Wikimedia.
- Edouard Naville, The XIth Dynasty Temple at Deir el-Bahari, 3 vols, via Internet Archive (vol. 1), (vol. 2), (vol. 3).
- Miscellaneous monuments, statues, and art of Montuhotep II at Wikimedia.
Rock inscription (petroglyph) of Montuhotep II from Gebel Silsila, south of Thebes/Luxor.
Including some scenes of combat (middle and bottom left) (Naville, 1907).
Naville, 1907
missing at right, but his lower body and solar crown remain (British Museum).
Arnold, 1991
- Dorothea Arnold, “Amenemhat I and the Early Twelfth Dynasty at Thebes,” Metropolitan Museum of Art Journal, 1991.
- Wolfram Grajetzki, The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, 2006.
- Edouard Naville, The Eleventh Dynasty Temple at Deir el-Bahari, 1907.
- Lazlo Török, Between Two Worlds, 2009.