Criminal Intent.
In 1331 BCE (maybe later), King Ay went to his rest. The burial was poor, by the standards of ancient Egyptian pharaohs: a few trinkets, a sarcophagus, and not much else. Apparently, the funeral was perfunctory. The King did not have a glamorous end. Then, years later, something worse happened. A team of vandals broke into the tomb and violated the burial. These agents were organised and methodical. They hacked away at hieroglyphs, removing Ay’s names. They damaged his body, and images of the King. They even attacked some of the gods, carefully removing some ritual and symbolic images. Clearly, someone had a problem with King Ay, and the crime left its clues…
- Date: c.1331 / 1330 BCE.
- Kings: Kheper-kheperu-Ra, the God’s Father Ay.
- Banner image: Erasures on the wrists of Nut, Lady of the Sky, as she offers nyny (welcome) to King Ay. Photo by R. Wilkinson (2011). Image upscaled, cropped, and edited for clarity.
- Photos: To see high-quality photos of Ay’s tomb, visit Kairoinfo4u on
- Music: Ambient, “The Mummy’s Tomb,” by Tabletop Audio. Used with permission.
- Sistrum sound effect by Hathor Systrum.Used with permission.
- Music interludes by Luke Chaos.
- See other shows from the Agora Podcast Network.
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The erasures are quite inconsistent. Some (right) are precise and thorough, others (left) are sloppy and rushed. Photo Dominic Perry 2022.
The goddess Nut offers nyny (“welcome”). But vandals have added cuts to her wrists, denying Ay his welcome. Photo Dominic Perry 2022.
Some figures survived. Osiris’ face was left alone by the vandals (subsequent damage is natural collapse of the plaster). In the cartouche at top, the hieroglyph for “Ra” remains intact. Photo Dominic Perry 2022.

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- B. G. Davies, Egyptian Historical Records of the Later Eighteenth Dynasty, VI (Warminster, 1995).
- A. Dodson, Amarna Sunset: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, and the Egyptian Counter-Reformation (2nd edn, Cairo, 2017). AUC Press.
- M. Gabolde, Toutankhamon (Paris, 2015). PYGMALION Press.
- N. Kawai, ‘Studies in the Reign of Tutankhamun’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, Johns Hopkins University (2005).
- W. J. Murnane, Texts from the Amarna Period in Egypt (Atlanta, 1995).
- O. Schaden, ‘The God’s Father Ay’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, University of Minnesota (1977).
- O. J. Schaden, ‘Clearance of the Tomb of King Ay (WV-23)’, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 21 (1984), 39–64. JSTOR online.
- R. H. Wilkinson, ‘Controlled Damage: The Mechanics and Micro-History of the Damnatio Memoriae Carried Out in KV-23, the Tomb of Ay’, Journal of Egyptian History 4 (2011), 129–47. BRILL online.