Amunhotep II (Part 1): The Early Years 1460 - 1455 BCE. After the brilliant campaign of regnal year 33, Thutmose enjoyed a period of peace and plenty. Foreign powers began…
Thutmose III (Part 10): The End of Days.1450 to 1441 BCE. Thutmose enjoyed the last nine years of his rule with a spate of activity. He commanded a final expedition; oversaw…
Thutmose III (Part 9): Supremacy and Insecurity.1455 to 1450 BCE. In his last decade, Thutmose III demonstrated a cruel streak, born of insecurity and anxiety over power.The King's insecurities centered on…
Thutmose III (Part 8): The Final Campaigns. 1455 to 1450 BCE. After 20+ years of near-annual campaigning, Thutmose III finally came to the end of his life at war. We…
Thutmose III (Part 7): Diplomacy & the Egyptian Empire. 1460 - 1455 BCE. After the brilliant campaign of regnal year 33, Thutmose enjoyed a period of peace and plenty. Foreign…
Thutmose III (Part 6): Personal Correspondence in Thebes. 148 - 1460 BCE. Letters are a rare and exciting find in Egyptian archaeology. Imagine our good fortune to possess an entire corpus…
Thutmose III (Part 5): The Sed-Festivals 1465 BCE. In regnal year 30, Thutmose celebrated his first jubilee. The King needed to renew his powers and re-enact his coronation. For this…
Thutmose III (Part 1): The Battle of Megiddo. 1462 BCE. In regnal year 33, Thutmose demonstrated why we call him "the Napoleon of Egypt." He led a daring and audacious…
Thutmose III (Part 3): Foreigners and Trade. 1465 BCE. We explore the world beyond the Egyptian Empire. Visiting the peoples of Crete (Keftiu), Cyprus (Alashiya) and Byblos (Kupna) we see…
Interlude: The General Djehuty and His Tricks. 1475 - 1450 BCE. Sometime in the reign of Thutmose III, a siege took place at Joppa (Tel Aviv, Israel). The Egyptians, never…