Peter Brand (Parts 1 & 2) When Paramessu became Ramesses I, his ascent marked a "break" in many ways. Then, his son Sety I confirmed that legacy and expanded it…
Ramesses I and Pharaoh’s Palace.Dr. Peter Lacovara is an experienced archaeologist, museum curator, and specialist in the palaces of Egyptian pharaohs. Since the 1980s Dr. Lacovara has been involved in…
Ramesses I (Part 2).Family, Regime, Remains. In 1304 BCE, King Ramessu (Ramesses I) rules Egypt. The new royal family is an interesting group, and we have a surprisingly detailed idea…
Ramesses I (Part 1). From hours 6-12, Ra continues his journey. The great serpent Apep returns, bringing an army of his followers. The sun god deals with those who have…
The Death and Legacy of Horemheb.Horemheb prepares for his next journey. The King commissions (or repurposes) a Memorial/Mortuary Temple on the west bank of Waset (Luxor). Then, he faces his…
Oof. It’s time for a break. Due to various circumstances, I’ll be taking time off through January 2023 and maybe beyond. When I return, we will complete the reign of…
To Vile Carchemish. In Year 16, King Horemheb may have led a "campaign of victory" to the far north. An artefact identified in the 1970s, but lost for decades, testifies…
Horemheb’s Favourite God.Throughout his life, Horemheb commissioned monuments and artifacts that honoured Djehuty (Thoth). As a courtier, then a King, Horemheb showed a certain favour towards this god. Why did…
Horemheb’s Great Decree.Sometime during his reign, King Horemheb proclaimed a new set of laws. Taking aim at corruption and abuses-of-power (allegedly happening throughout Egypt), the pharaoh went hard on corrective…