Ramesses II: Prince of Egypt. When Sety I took power, his eldest son was probably 10—15 years old. Prince Ra-messes (“Born of Ra”) enjoyed a privileged upbringing. And by the…
Old and New Kingdoms March 2024. Hello, everyone! Just a quick update for those interested/travelling on the 2024 March tours. In case anyone is worried, the tours are going ahead…
Sety I (Part 6b). Standards and Practices. The early 19th Dynasty army was a well-organised machine, with distinct units (the zA ‘company’) and officers (e.g., chai sereet, ‘Standard Bearers’). Papyrus…
Sety I (Part 6). Mesha, Menfat, Pedjet, Pecherer. By 1300 BCE, Egyptians had developed a sophisticated, well-organised military system. Distinct branches and types of troops (infantry, archers, auxiliaries, and more)…
Sety I (Part 5). Empires clash. Around 1300 BCE (approximately), Sety I records a battle against the Hittites. In the course of his northern wars, perhaps following the reconquest of…
Amurru (Part 4). Reconquista. The land of Amurru, and its leaders, have been a noteworthy part of the story in recent decades. Since the reigns of Amunhotep III and Akhenaten,…
Sety I (Part 4). Catching Up with the Kadeshians. Around 1300 BCE (chronology uncertain), Sety led another campaign into the north. This time, the pharaoh of Egypt marched into Canaan,…
Sety I (Part 3). The Great Hypostyle Hall of Karnak. In 1302 BCE (approximately) the pharaoh of Egypt Men-Ma’at-Ra Sety I commissioned a remarkable monument. A hall of columns, near…
Sety I (Part 2). Sety I (Part 2): The First Campaign of Victory. In1302 BCE, the pharaoh Men-Ma'at-Ra Sety I led a military expedition to the east. He attacked the…