Guardian of Abydos.Dorothy Eady, Bulbul Abd el-Meguid, Omm Sety… A woman of three names, multiple lives, and a lifelong devotion to Egyptology. From the 1950s to 1981, Omm Sety was…
Sety at Abydos (Part 4).Finishing our tour of Sety’s Great Temple at Abydos, we explore a few more sanctuaries and facilities. Then, we discuss the monument overall. Sety invested huge…
Sety at Abydos (Part 3).The Osireion is an intriguing monument, one that attracts a huge amount of debate, discussion, and speculation. Its discovery was unexpected, its excavation was an enormous…
Sety at Abydos (Part 2). Having toured the first part of Sety’s Temple at Abydos, we continue our exploration. Today, we discuss one of the monument’s most famous features: a…
Part 1. In the ancient city and necropolis of Abydos (Egyptian Abdju), pharaoh Sety I commissioned a magnificent temple. Today, this monument is one of the finest in the country,…
Wonderful Things is a digital studio set up by UK-based artist and heritage professional, Natalie Watson, dedicated to creating highly accurate reproductions of ancient Egyptian artwork with a contemporary feel.Over…
Ramesses II: Prince of Egypt. When Sety I took power, his eldest son was probably 10—15 years old. Prince Ra-messes (“Born of Ra”) enjoyed a privileged upbringing. And by the…
Old and New Kingdoms March 2024. Hello, everyone! Just a quick update for those interested/travelling on the 2024 March tours. In case anyone is worried, the tours are going ahead…
Sety I (Part 6b). Standards and Practices. The early 19th Dynasty army was a well-organised machine, with distinct units (the zA ‘company’) and officers (e.g., chai sereet, ‘Standard Bearers’). Papyrus…
Sety I (Part 6). Mesha, Menfat, Pedjet, Pecherer. By 1300 BCE, Egyptians had developed a sophisticated, well-organised military system. Distinct branches and types of troops (infantry, archers, auxiliaries, and more)…