Living Images. Tut’ankhamun is famous for the Restoration of traditional temples. But what did that involve? Records from the King’s reign give us insight to the practical business. We see…
Caregiver and Tutor. Young Tut’ankhamun had multiple caregivers. We have already met Maia, the menat of the King. Now, we meet Sen-nedjem, the menay. From his large (but overlooked) tomb,…
One Who Nourished the God. Tut’ankhamun never refers to his birth mother. And until 1996, historians had little idea of the person who raised this young pharaoh. That changed with…
A stylish king.When archaeologists opened the tomb of King Tut'ankhamun, they found many of his childhood possessions inside. Today, we can get a sense of his life by looking at…
From baby to boy. For all his fame and glamour, the life of Tut'ankhamun was more difficult than it seems. The young king dealt with physical challenges and a social…
Interlude: The Greatest Treachery. By the end of Akhenaten's reign, events in Syria had developed their own momentum. Rulers like Aziru, prince of Amurru, were causing trouble. Akhenaten had to…
Interlude: Warlords and Adventurers. In the second millennium BCE, a new power rose to the north of Egypt. The Kingdom of Hatti (aka the land of the Hittites) emerged as…
A remarkable discovery. In April 2021, Egyptologists working in Luxor announced a major discovery. A new “lost” city, associated with Amunhotep III (and probably Akhenaten as well). In this brief…
Egypt on the offensive. King Tutankhamun's government had to deal with major threats in the north. Instability and regional warfare had spread through Syria and Canaan. To tackle these, pharaoh…
Splendour and Ceremony. On April 3rd, 2021, Egypt hosted a magnificent celebration. Royal mummies, including Kings and Queens, departed their old home and made for a new one. In future,…