1330 BCE-1304 BCE: Horemheb (19th Dynasty, Part 1) 160: Succession Crisis(?) 160b: The Purge 161: The Coronation of Horus 162: The Chosen One 163: Nefertiti’s Sister(?) Interlude: Dark Times, A Karnak Story 164: You Must Construct Additional Pylons 164b: Renovation Station 165: Praise Ra and Pass the Talatat 166: Restoration III, Re-Restoring 167: Reviving Deir el-Medina 168: Return to the Tomb 169: Royal Tomb: Maverick 170: Mutnodjmet and Ramesses Interview: The Egyptian Empire with Dr. Uroš Matić 171: Law & Order (Special Ma’at Unit) 172: Wise Like Thoth 173: A Forgotten Campaign 174: Horus in Rest 175: In the Hall of the Duat King 176: A Brand New Day 1305-1303 BCE: Ramesses I (19th Dynasty, Part 2) Introducing: Dynasty 19 177: Sun Born 178: From Nile to Niagara Interview: International Mummy of Mystery with Dr. Peter Lacovara. Interview: Rise and Rule of the Ramessids 1303 – 1292 BCE: Sety I (19th Dynasty, Part 3) 179: Sety’s Renaissance 180: Eager to Fight 181: Akh-en-Amun (Effective for Amun) 182: The Battle for Kadesh 182b: Destruction in Amurru 183: Fire Over Hatti 184: Fighting for Pharaoh 184b: Feeding the Fighters 185: House of the Rising Son 186: Sety at Abydos 187: The Abydos King List 188: The Osireion 189: For the Ancestors 190: Omm Sety Interview: Sety I, Builder Warrior Father 191: Libya Minus One 192: The Trouble with Seth 193: Slaying the Bull of Seth (Ramesses’ First Rodeo) 194: A Prince of Egypt (feat. Prof. Peter Brand) 195: A Quest for Gold 196: The Golden Path Sety, Thutmose, and the Royal Coffins (feat. Prof. Kara Cooney) 197: How to Make a Pharaoh’s Tomb 198: Servants in the Place of Truth 198b: Deir el-Medina in the Age of Sety I 199: The Winter War 200: How to Make Your Own Tomb Dendera: The House of Hat-Hor with José M. Barrera 201: When Hathor Destroyed the World 202: A Valley of the Queens 203: Rise of a Vizier The Lost Tomb of Thutmose II FOUND