Summary Episode.
We’ve covered a lot since Akhenaten abandoned the traditional capitals and moved to his new home of Akhet-Aten. Now, the second phase of pharaoh’s rule lasted between regnal years 6 and 12 (c.1357-1351 BCE). In this time, the King completed many of the goals he initiated back in phase 1. Then, he began to build on those, further refining his ideas and moving forward into new territory…
- Date: c.1357 to 1351 BCE (regnal year 6 to 12)
- King: Akhenaten (Nefer-kheperu-Re Wa-en-Re)
- Queen: Nefertiti (Nefer-neferu-Aten)
- Location: Amarna (Akhet-Aten)
- Music by Keith Zizza

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