The civil war continues. Around 2000 BCE, the southern kingdom was rising quickly. But the north was not out of the fight. Not by a long shot. King Intef II had a long reign and left beautiful monuments including the Dog Stela, which presented his favourite pets. In the north, King Merykara is known for a pyramid and the Teaching for Merykare, a work of “historical fiction” that may record some details of the time…
Episode chapters
- Prologue – A Royal Inspection (00:30).
- The Fall of Tjeni / Thinis (07:25).
- The Long Reign of Intef II (11:58).
- Intef’s Dogs (20:58).
- Khety Merykara (34:03).
- Making Ta-Wer Howl (47:25).
- Conclusion (01:06:37).
- Epilogue – Intef’s Hymns for Ra and Hathor (01:08:30).
Dendera excavations: Moeller and Marouard, The Development of Two Early Urban Centres – Edfu and Dendara (2018).
- Music by Jeffrey Goodman
- Music and interludes by Keith Zizza
- Music and interludes by Luke Chaos
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