Livestream recording. The village of the tomb-builders first arose in the 18th Dynasty (c.1550—1310 BCE), but the historical records really multiply in the 19th and 20th Dynasties (c.1310—1070 BCE). In this livestream recording, I set the scene for the village and introduce you to some of its inhabitants. We explore houses and families, and a couple of intact tombs that shed light on the inhabitants…
- Music and interludes by Keith Zizza
- Music and interludes by Luke Chaos
Deir el-Medina Village
- Museo Egizio excavation photos:
- Kairo info4u:
- Wikimedia:
TT1 Sennedjem and Family
- Kairoinfo4u:
- Metropolitan Museum of Art:
TT8 Tomb of Kha & Merit
- Museo Egizio excavation photos:
- Museo Egizio objects collection
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Names in order of join date.
Linda Yancey
Eric J Holmes
Terri Jones
TJ Kahn
Jolle Kirpensteijn
Meicost Ettal
Andy & Chelsea Lientz
Ashley Welch
Veronica Moreno
James Bowlby
Arthur Markham
Karen Beaudouin
Jeffrey Goodman
Hereditary Nobles
Names in order of join date.
Nancy Bastek
Chrissi Ross
Sandi & Stuart
Skip Howard
Elna Nilsson
Ra Egyptian
Pernille Engberg
Peter Culicover
Kate Potter
Stephen King
James Waters
Karin W.
David Pepper
William Russell
Shawn Knight
Rabia Altaf
Andrew Flaherty
William Tracy
Rodney Shuff
Ronald Hall
Joseph Snow
Rae Knowler
TV Liew
Lucas Wilson
Grace Devery
Misty Bastian
Joseph Stashkevetch
Brian K Barnes
Joel Hadary
Donald Johnston
Syd Smith
Sascha Behr
Tom Perez
Ellen Chamberlin
Bill Thoet
Ann Sharp
Sean Captain
Sam Russo
Einir Aka Jen
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- McDowell, A. G. (1999). Village Life in Ancient Egypt: Laundry Lists and Love Songs.
- Menéndez, G. (2018). Who Painted the Tomb of Sennedjem? Trabajos de Egiptología – Papers on Ancient Egypt, 9, 145–160.
- Sanjaume, M. S. i. (2013). La Tomba de Sennedjem a Deir el-Medina TT1 [Unpublished PhD. Thesis].
- Sousa, R. (2019). Gilded Flesh: Coffins and Afterlife in Ancient Egypt.
- Vassilika, E. (2010). The Tomb of Kha the Architect.
- Ward, W. A. (1994). Foreigners Living in the Village. In L. H. Lesko (Ed.), Pharaoh’s Workers: The Villagers of Deir el-Medina (pp. 61–86).