Sety I (Part 2).
Sety I (Part 2): The First Campaign of Victory. In1302 BCE, the pharaoh Men-Ma’at-Ra Sety I led a military expedition to the east. He attacked the Bedouin (the “shasu”) in Sinai. Then, he turned his sights on Canaan. The new King was an active warlord, aggressive and eager to fight. Thanks to records at Karnak and elsewhere, we can trace his assault…
- Date: c. 1302 BCE (March – June).
- Music: Ancient Lyric and Luke Chaos.
- Sources: The war reliefs of Sety I, at Karnak, via the University of Chicago Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak, Volume IV: The Battle Reliefs of King Sety I | Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures (
- The Bet She’an “Victory Stela” at Wikimedia Commons.
- Kenneth Kitchen’s Ramesside Inscriptions volume 1. Hieroglyph versions at Internet Archive, English translations at Abercromby Press.
- Peter Brand, Ramesses II: Egypt’s Ultimate Pharaoh, out now from Lockwood Press.
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