The Book of Gates (Part 2).
From hours 6-12, Ra continues his journey. The great serpent Apep returns, bringing an army of his followers. The sun god deals with those who have died in horrible ways. The journey reaches its climax, and the dawn approaches…
- Date: c. 1305 BCE (first appearance).
- Music intro and interludes: Luke Chaos.
- Sistrum: Tahya Hathor Systrum.
- IMAGES of the Book of Gates, in the royal tomb of Horemheb, at Theban Mapping Project.
- TRANSLATIONS of the Book of Gates by Erik Hornung (2014) and John Darnell & Colleen Manassa Darnell (2018).
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The dead wait for Ra to awaken them (Theban Mapping Project, edited).
Those who have drowned (Theban Mapping Project, edited).
A Two-Headed Sphinx and Two-Headed God (Theban Mapping Project, edited).
The Sons of Horus subdue the serpent “Children of Weakness” (Darnell and Manassa Darnell 2018, edited).
The victory and subduing of Apep / Apophis (Darnell and Manassa Darnell 2018, edited).
The epilogue/summary of the Book of Gates, appearing at the end (Darnell and Manassa Darnell 2018, edited).

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- C. Carrier, Grands Livres Funéraires de l’Égypte Pharaonique (Paris, 2009).
- J. C. Darnell and C. Manassa Darnell, The Ancient Egyptian Netherworld Books (Writings from the Ancient World 39; Atlanta, 2018).
- N. J. Dominy, ‘Mysteries of Ancient Egypt’s Sacred Baboons Revealed’, Scientific American, <> accessed 3.21.2023 (2021).
- N. J. Dominy, ‘Secrets of the Sacred Baboons’, Scientific American 325 (2021), 46–53.
- E. Hornung, Das Grab des Haremhab im Tal der Könige (Bern, 1971).
- E. Hornung, Das Buch von den Pforten des Jenseits, I (Geneva, 1979).
- E. Hornung, Das Buch von den Pforten des Jenseits, II (Geneva, 1984).
- E. Hornung, The Ancient Egyptian Books of the Afterlife (Ithaca, 1999).
- E. Hornung, The Egyptian Book of Gates, trans. T. Abt (Zurich, 2014).
- J. Roberson, ‘The Royal Funerary Books: The Subject Matter of Scenes and Texts’, in R. H. Wilkinson and K. R. Weeks (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings (New York, 2016), 316–332.
- M. Smith, Following Osiris: Perspectives on the Osirian Afterlife from Four Millenia (Oxford, 2017).
- Theban Mapping Project, ‘KV 57 The Tomb of Horemheb’.
- J. Zandee, ‘The Book of Gates’, Liber Amicorum: Studies in Honor of Professor Dr. C.J. Bleeker (Leiden, 1969), 282–324.