A new beginning?
In regnal year 7, Horemheb’s officials turn up in western Thebes (Waset). They began reorganising the village of the tomb-builders, Set-Ma’at “The Place of Truth.” Doing so, the King’s government created a lasting legacy in the town we call Deir el-Medina.
- Date: c.1325 BCE.
- Intro music: Keith Zizza.
- Outro music: Ancient Lyric.
- Music interludes: Luke Chaos.
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- B. G. Davies, Who’s Who at Deir el-Medina: A Prosopographic Study of the Royal Workmen’s Community (Leiden, 1999).
- B. G. Davies, Life Within the Five Walls: A Handbook to Deir el-Medina (Wallasey, 2018).
- Y. M. El Shazly, ‘Royal Ancestor Worship in Deir el-Medina During the New Kingdom’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, Johns Hopkins University (2008).
- B. J. J. Haring, ‘Workmen’s Marks and the Early History of the Theban Royal Necropolis’, in J. Toivari-Viitala et al. (eds), Deir el-Medina Studies: Helsinki, June 24 – 26, 2009, Proceedings (Helsinki, 2014), 87—100.
- J. R. Harris, ‘How Long was the Reign of Horemheb?’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 54 (1968), 95—99.
- M. Müller, ‘Deir el-Medina in the Dark – The Amarna Period in the History of the Village’, in J. Toivari-Viitala et al. (eds), Deir el-Medina Studies: Helsinki, June 24 – 26, 2009, Proceedings (Helsinki, 2014), 154—167.
- M. S. i Sanjaume, ‘La Tomba de Sennedjem a Deir el-Medina TT1’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, University de Barcelona (2013).
- E. Uphill, ‘Some Matters Relating to the Growth and Walls of Deir el-Medina’, in Jac. J. Janssen et al. (eds), Deir el-Medina in the Third Millenium AD: A Tribute to Jac. J. Janssen, Egyptologische uitgaven XIV (Leiden, 2000), 325–9.