Horemheb at Karnak (Part 1).

Before his ascent, Horemheb had managed building projects for Tutankhamun. Now, as pharaoh, Horemheb went all out. He invested in one of the largest building sprees Karnak would ever see. His monuments continue to define this temple…

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  • M. Azim, ‘La structure des pylônes d’Horemheb a Karnak’, Cahiers de Karnak VII (1982), 127—166. Online.
  • M. Azim, ‘Un mât du IXe Pylône au nome d’Horemheb’, Cahiers de Karnak VII (1982), 75—92. Online.
  • E. Blyth, Karnak: Evolution of a Temple (New York, 2006).
  • Digital Karnak, ‘2nd Pylon’, https://digitalkarnak.ucsc.edu/2nd-pylon/
  • Digital Karnak, ‘9th Pylon’, https://digitalkarnak.ucsc.edu/9th-pylon/
  • Digital Karnak, ‘10th Pylon’, https://digitalkarnak.ucsc.edu/10th-pylon/
  • Digital Karnak, ‘Edifice of Amenhotep II’, https://digitalkarnak.ucsc.edu/edifice-of-amenhotep-ii/
  • J.-C. Goyon and C. Traunecker, ‘La Chapelle de Thot et d’Amon au sud-ouest du lac sacré’, Cahiers de Karnak VII (1982), 355—366. Online.
  • W. R. Johnson, ‘Amenhotep III and Amarna: Some New Considerations’, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 82 (1996), 65–82.
  • M. Jordan et al., La porte d’Horemheb au Xe pylône de Karnak (2015).
  • R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, The Temples of Karnak (1999).
  • E. Sullivan, ‘Karnak: Development of the Temple of Amun-Ra’, in W. Wendrich (ed.), UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology (2010).
  • The Epigraphic Survey, The Temple of Khonsu Volume 1: Scenes of King Herihor in the Court (1979). Online.
  • C. Van Siclen III, ‘The Edifice of Amenhotep II at Karnak: An Architectural Pious Fraud’, in C. Leblanc and G. Zaki (eds), The Temples of Millions of Years and Royal Power at Thebes in the New Kingdom (Cairo, 2010), 81—89.
  • W. Wreszinski, Atlas zur altaegyptischen Kulturgeschichte (1988).
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  1. I can truly say that I listened too all of the Egyptian history podcasts and I love them! I think I am going to rearrange some stuff of my predecessors of my current living space too! Thanks Dominic for you Royal blessing to do so!

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