Frustrated Plans.
King Ay had his own plans for the succession. He promoted his relative, Nakht-Min, to great power and prominence. But when Ay died, Nakhtmin found himself at odds with Egypt’s mighty general, Horemheb. What would happen, to the feuding leaders?
- Date: c.1330 BCE (approximate).
- Music: Keith Zizza
- Music interludes: Luke Chaos
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Statue of Nakhtmin in the Luxor Museum (Photo Dominic Perry 2022).
Statue of Nakhtmin in the Luxor Museum (Photo Dominic Perry 2022).
Statue of Nakhtmin’s Wife, name unknown (Artstor).
Shabti from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, donated by Nakhtmin (Photo Harry Burton).
Shabti from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, donated by Nakhtmin (Photo Harry Burton).

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- A. Dodson, ‘Crown Prince Djhutmose and the Royal Sons of the Eighteenth Dynasty’, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 76 (1990), 87–96.
- A. Dodson, Amarna Sunset: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, and the Egyptian Counter-Reformation (2nd edn, Cairo, 2017).
- M. Gabolde, Toutankhamon (Paris, 2015).
- N. Kawai, ‘Studies in the Reign of Tutankhamun’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, Johns Hopkins University (2005).
- N. Kawai, ‘Ay versus Horemheb: The Political Situation in the Late Eighteenth Dynasty Revisited’, Leiden, The Netherlands Journal of Egyptian History 3 (2010), 261–92.
- N. Kawai, ‘The Time of Tutankhamun: What New Evidence Reveals’, Scribe: The Magazine of the American Research Center in Egypt Spring 2022 (2022), 44–53.
- A. R. Schulman, ‘Excursus on the “Military Officer” Nakhtmin’, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 3 (1964), 124–6.
- A. R. Schulman, ‘Some Observations on the Military Background of the Amarna Period’, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 3 (1964), 51–69.
- A. R. Schulman, ‘The Berlin “Trauerrelief” (No. 12411) and Some Officials of Tutʿankhamūn and Ay’, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 4 (1965), 55–68.
- J. Van Dijk, ‘Horemheb and the Struggle for the Throne of Tutankhamen’, Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 7 (1996), 29—42.
Dear Dominic,
Somehow episodes 160 and 161 don’t play, here.
Hi Ivonna, I have tested them and they seem to be working fine. Are you still experiencing the issue?
Dear Dominic,
Today everything is O.K., thank you : ).