Treasuries and Heirlooms.
East of the Burial Chamber, in Tutankhamun’s tomb, the per hedj (“Treasury”) contained a smorgasbord of beautiful objects. Some of these were sacred, like the canopic vessels for Tutankhamun’s organs. Others were symbolic, connecting the pharaoh with great gods like Osiris. And still others were curious, including some “heirlooms” from earlier rulers and generations…
- Chapter 13: Anubis and the King 00:00:13
- Chapter 14: The Heirlooms of Akhenaten 00:24:30
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- Music by Keith Zizza.
- Sound interludes by Luke Chaos.
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Statue of Anubis, from the Treasury (Photo: Artstor).
The canopic shrine from the Treasury (Photo: Aidan McRae Thompson via Flickr. Used with permission).
The goddess Selket (srkt) from the canopic shrine (Photo: Artstor).
The statue of Anubis, wrapped in a “shroud” (actually a shirt) dating to the reign of Akhenaten (Photo: Harry Burton).
The “Akhenaten shroud” wrapping the Anubis statue. Text dates it to Year 8 of that king (Photo: Harry Burton).
Statue of a pharaoh, possibly Neferneferuaten or Akhenaten? From the Treasury (Photo: Skip Howard).
A canopic coffin of Tutankhamun. Trace inscriptions inside indicate that the items originally belonged to Neferneferuaten (Photo: Skip Howard).
Travertine jars that contained the canopic coffins (Photo: Aidan McRae Thompson via Flickr. Used with permission).

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- J. P. Allen, ‘The Original Owner of Tutankhamun’s Canopic Coffins’, in Z. Hawass and J. H. Wegner (eds.), Millions of Jubilees: Studies in Honor of David P. Silverman (Cairo, 2010), 27—41.
- H. Assaad and D. Kolos, The Name of the Dead: Hieroglyphic Inscriptions of the Treasures of Tutankhamun Translated (Missisauga, 1979).
- H. Beinlich and M. Saleh, Corpus der Hieroglyphischen Inschriften aus dem Grab des Tutanchamun (Oxford, 1989).
- H. Carter, The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen, 3vols, 1927 – 1933.
- J. Černý, Hieratic Inscriptions from the Tomb of Tut’ankhamūn (Oxford, 1965).
- A. Dodson, ‘Crown Prince Djhutmose and the Royal Sons of the Eighteenth Dynasty’, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 76 (1990), 87–96.
- A. Dodson, ‘Canopics’, in R. H. Wilkinson and K. R. Weeks (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings (New York, 2014), 260—274.
- M. Eaton-Krauss, The Unknown Tutankhamun (London, 2016).
- J. R. Harris, ‘Akhenaten and Neferneferuaten in the Tomb of Tut’ankhamūn’, in N. Reeves (ed.), After Tutankhamūn: Research and Excavation in the Royal Necropolis at Thebes (London, 1992), 55—72.
- Z. Hawass, Discovering Tutankhamun: From Howard Carter to DNA (Cairo, 2013).
- Z. Hawass and S. Vannini, Tutankhamun: The Treasures of the Tomb (London, 2018).
- N. Reeves, The Complete Tutankhamun (Cairo, 1990).
- K. R. Weeks, ‘The Component Parts of KV Royal Tombs’, in R. H. Wilkinson and K. R. Weeks (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings (New York, 2014), 98—117.