Curses and Controversies.
From the moment they announced their discovery, Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon were faced with overwhelming attention. How they responded, and how they chose to approach the excavation, would have a major impact on public perception of the tomb. And, when events took a tragic turn, the media were happy to capitalise on the issue…
- Chapter 10: The Choices of Lord Carnarvon 00:04:30
- Chapter 11: Journey to the Crossroads 00:24:50
- Chapter 12: Of Bricks and Lost Portraits 00:48:20
Episode Links
- The “curse” brick, with text from Book of the Dead, Chapter 151:
- Music Opening: “She Gypped Egypt on the Nile,” midi rendition by Used with permission (audio editing: added vinyl crackling sound effects).
- Music Interlude at 00:24:34: “Vintage Ragtime,” purchased from
- Music Interlude at 00:48:05: “Tomb Song,” by Nora Keyes, public domain via
- Outro music by Ancient Lyric
- Sound interludes by Luke Chaos.
- See other shows from the Agora Podcast Network.
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Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon together (author unknown).
Carter and Carnarvon shaking hands (Photo Harry Burton).
Clearing the tomb (Photo Harry Burton).
Carter overseeing transport of Tutankhamun’s “mannequin” (Photo Harry Burton).
Crowds gather around the tomb, hoping for a glimpse of treasures (Photo Harry Burton).
Lord Carnarvon at his rest (Photo Harry Burton).
Text from the so-called “Curse” brick from the Treasury. Actually a section of Chapter 151 from the Book of the Dead (Griffith Institute).

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- H. Beinlich and M. Saleh, Corpus der Hieroglyphischen Inschriften aus dem Grab des Tutanchamun (Oxford, 1989).
- J. Černý, Hieratic Inscriptions from the Tomb of Tut’ankhamūn (Oxford, 1965).
- Cox, ‘The Death of Lord Carnarvon’, The Lancet 361 (2003), 1994.
- Z. Hawass, Discovering Tutankhamun: From Howard Carter to DNA (Cairo, 2013).
- T. Hoving, Tutankhamun: The Untold Story (New York, 1978).
- T. G. H. James, Howard Carter: The Path to Tutankhamun (Tauris 2001 edn, New York, 1992).
- M. R. Nelson, ‘The Mummy’s Curse: Historical Cohort Study’, BMJ 325 (2002), 1482.
- N. Reeves, The Complete Tutankhamun (Cairo, 1990).
- N. Strudwick, Texts From the Pyramid Age (Atlanta, 2005).
- E. Teeter, Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt (New York, 2011).
- The Griffith Institute, ‘Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation’, The Griffith Institute, University of Oxford, <> accessed .
- H. V. F. Winstone, Howard Carter and the Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun (London, 1991).
- Websites:, valuable source for old clippings;, source of various reportsl;, a valuable summary of Tutankhamun’s tomb, media reports, and the Curse narratives.