Tutankhamun’s Funeral
Following his death, the body of Tutankhamun underwent mummification. From studying his body, archaeologists can identify strange aspects of his preservation. We also know many details of his funeral, thanks to paintings in the tomb, and curious items discovered nearby. With a range of material to use, we can imagine King Tutankhamun’s Funeral…- Date: c.1334 BCE
- King: Neb-kheperu-Ra Tut-ankh-Amun.
- Banner image: The north wall of Tutankhamun’s burial chamber. FactumArte.
- Music by Keith Zizza.
- Music by Michael Levy.
- Music by Ancient Lyric.
- Sound interludes by Luke Chaos.
- Audio mixing/editing by Vincent Cavanagh.
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The funeral procession, as seen in the tomb (Factum Arte). Image digitally upscaled and edited for clarity/cropping.
Opening the Mouth, performed by Tutankhamun’s successor as King, right (Factum Arte). Image digitally upscaled and edited for clarity/cropping.
The mummy of Tutankhamun with its golden mask, as laid in the coffin (Burton). Image digitally upscaled and edited for clarity/cropping.
The sarcophagus of Tutankhamun, viewed from the north-east, looking West (Eaton-Krauss 1993).
The pit cache KV54, in which lay remnants of Tutankhamun’s funeral.
Linen from KV54, with text referencing “Nebkheperura Beloved of Min, Year 6” (Met Museum).
A dish from KV54, reconstructed (Met Museum).
Smashing pots, following offerings. From the tomb of Horemheb at Saqqara (Winlock and Arnold 2010).
Bag of natron salts, from KV54 (Met Museum).
Clay seal with the symbol of the necropolis, a canine above captives (Met Museum).

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- A. Dodson, Amarna Sunset: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, and the Egyptian Counter-Reformation (2nd edn, Cairo, 2017).
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- M. Gabolde, Toutankhamon (Paris, 2015).
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- R. G. Harrison and A. B. Abdalla, ‘The Remains of Tutankhamun’, Antiquity 46 (1972), 8–14.
- Z. Hawass, Discovering Tutankhamun: From Howard Carter to DNA (Cairo, 2013).
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- N. Reeves, The Complete Tutankhamun (Cairo, 1990).
- J. Tyldesley, Tutankhamen’s Curse: The Developing History of an Egyptian King (London, 2012).
- H. E. Winlock and D. Arnold, Tutankhamun’s Funeral (Revised edn, New York, 2010).
Wishes from me for Sarah as well, hope you get well, soon.