A famous reign.
Following the death of Nefer-neferu-aten, a new ruler came to the throne. Tut-ankh-Aten was young, perhaps nine years old. He inherited power at a tumultuous point in history…
- Date c. 1343 BCE.
- Music by Keith Zizza
- Additional music by Jeffrey Goodman.
- Audio mixing/editing by Vincent Cavanagh.
- See other shows from the Agora Podcast Network.
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Throne 01 = Backrest of Tutankhaten’s golden throne (Djehouty, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons).
Throne 02 = Armrest of the golden throne (لا روسا, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons).
Throne 03 = Throne name of Tutankhaten, Neb-kheperu-Ra (Djehouty, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons).
Throne 04 = Personal name of Tutankhaten (Djehouty, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons).
Throne 05. = The golden throne in Cairo Museum (لا روسا, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons).
Tut Stela = Partial stela of Tutankhaten(?) showing the boy king before Min-Amun-Ra, Isis, Amun-Ra, and Mut (Cairo JE27076. See Eaton-Krauss 2016 and Kawai 2005).

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- A. Dodson, Amarna Sunset: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, and the Egyptian Counter-Reformation (2nd Edition, Cairo, 2017).
- A. Dodson and D. Hilton, The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt (London, 2004).
- M. Eaton-Krauss, ‘King Tutankhaten’, Orientalia 80 (2011), 300–4.
- M. Eaton-Krauss, The Unknown Tutankhamun (London, 2016).
- M. Gabolde, D’Akhenaton à Toutânkhamon (Paris, 1998).
- N. Kawai, ‘Studies in the Reign of Tutankhamun’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, Johns Hopkins University (2005).
- W. J. Murnane, Texts from the Amarna Period in Egypt (Atlanta, 1995).
- N. Reeves, The Complete Tutankhamun (Cairo, 1990).
It’s interesting that both royals have only one sandal on in the throne back scene. It’s unlikely both sandals would have both broken off. Has there been any scholarship on royal footwear rituals?