DNA, CSI… etc.

The Confounding Coffin. In this episode, we visit a historical crime scene: the mysterious sepulchre of KV55. Discovered in 1907, this grave is easily the most debated, analysed and controversial find in all Egyptology…

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Show 12 Comments


  1. Annie Fernback

    Just listening to KV 55. There is a reasonable explanation for a mummy that was socially treated as female but was genetically male: that person physically appeared female but was not so genetically. There are genetic and hormonal conditions which affect fetal sexual development. One is called androgen insensitivity. Those with it will be XY genetically but they usually appear to be female at birth and to develop as a child that way sans a uterus. In some cases there is mixed male and female development. Akhenaten certainly appeared to have some sort of hormonal issue therefore it’s quite conceivable that a sibling did. The mummy is Tutankhamun’s “aunt” because most of these conditions result in sterility.

    • Possibly! I don’t know enough to comment on that medically. But I’m sure it’s possible

  2. Dan

    I think I you said that the bottom part of the mask was found but maybe I misunderstood. If so I can’t find a picture of it. Where can I see it?

    • The bottom half of the coffin was found again. It is now in Cairo

  3. Chirag Prakash

    This is Chirag from India. I’ve recently developed interest in Egyptian history and decided to study about it. While going through internet for sources of information, I came across you podcast and from the very first episode I’ve become fan of yours. I saw that you started this podcast long time back and have covered history till 1350 BC, So wanted to ask that in how much time do you think you’ll be able to complete the whole ancient history till Battle of Actium 30 BC, Roman conquest.

  4. Claudia

    I went to Egypt at the beginning of 2020, visiting sites that as a child only dreamt to visit. I found your podcast as soon as I came back and have listened to all 192 episodes, they have made me live again my visits to the different museums and sites. Thanks for that.

    • Thanks for listening! I’m glad you are enjoying the show, and that I could bring some things back to life 🙂

  5. Håkon

    Could the mummy have been a brother or nephew of a king

  6. Grace

    What if the person was intersex? Is there a possibility or a way of knowing?

  7. Jantie

    The podcast doenst work, i tried in more browsers, please let me know, thanks!

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