Two Funerals and a Wedding, Part 1.

Two Funerals and a Wedding, Part 1. Around year 12 of Akhenaten, the Queen Mother Tiye died. She journeyed to the West at the age of 60, having been a powerful influence for more than fifty years. Tiye is a monumental figure, literally, in the history of ancient Egypt. In this episode, we do her honour, and explore her legacy following her death.

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Geoffrey Thorndike Martin, The Royal Tomb at El-ʻAmarna, 2 vols, 1974.

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William J. Murnane, Texts From the Amarna Period in Egypt, 1995.

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Show 4 Comments


  1. Tahya

    Greetings Dominic,

    I was excited to listen to your presentation around Tiye. Long have I been fascinated with her! I carved out the time to listen today and lo and behold was that my shimmering systrum at the onset?!!?

    Looking forward to Part II and in the meantime, clearly, I also need to go back to Episoden 120 … and 107….

    Shimmering Systrum blessings,



    Tahya | Dancer, Drummer, Designer of the Ceremonial Systrum(tm) [17]

    _Let the Beauty You Love_ _Be What You do_

    – Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmi

    • Thank you Tahya, I’m glad you enjoyed the episode 🙂 Looking forward to collaborating with you in future!

  2. Martin Morrison

    The usual link to the audio file “Stream Online and Download Directly (Save As mp3)” is missing from this episode.

    • Hi Martin, those links will no longer be appearing on the website moving forward. This is a response to situations where people have taken the mp3s and used them without my consent in ways that I would not have agreed with, had they asked. If you only listen to the show by downloading mp3s from the website, please email me at Alternatively, many podcasting apps (e.g. Google, Apple, Spotify, Lyceum, Castbox etc) allow you to download the file to your phone for temporary use.

      Hope this helps,
      Dominic Perry

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